2009 Achievements in Transit Training Awards
MTA and LACCD have been chosen to receive this year's Model Program Award for Sustainability Awareness

This award recognizes training initiatives that apply innovative concepts to meet a specific agency objective. Nominations can range from a single, narrowly focused program to a multifaceted, organization-wide effort.

The Model Program Award Criteria

Needs Assessment (20%) Indication that the nominated initiative was an appropriate response to an identified problem or need.

Design Process (30%)
Identification of how this program was different or innovative in its design or implementation relative to other agency programs and/or traditional approaches for addressing the program content or delivery.

Impact (50%)
Estimated impact on employee and organizational performance.

National Transit Institute's (NTI) Achievements in Transit Training Awards
provide a unique opportunity to acknowledge excellence in transit training. NTI invites members of the transit community to nominate individuals and teams for these awards using the criteria listed in this brochure.

The purpose of the Achievements in Transit Training Awards is to:

  • Identify exemplary transit training initiatives and practices
  • Emphasize the impact of training on agency performance
  • Increase industry knowledge of outstanding transit training Employees of U.S. public transit agencies, Departments of Transportation, or other not-for-profit transit organizations are eligible.
    West Coast Motion Meeting

    November 19th, 10:00 a.m. - Noon,
    770 Wilshire Bl.,
    2nd Floor, Video Conference Room
    Los Angeles, CA 90017

    Parking is available one and a half blocks away from the meeting at 757 Flower Street across from Macy
    's. Bring your parking stub to the meeting and we will validate it.

    Click Here for Directions to 770 Wilshire Blvd.

    Contact us to find out how your company can be part of this new partnership ....